Rental etiquette

Here are our top 5 things to do when using

  1. Respond quickly – no one likes to be kept in the dark. If someone gets in contact with you, it’s probably because they need your kit. Always try and respond quickly, your fellow members will appreciate is as much as you do.
  2. Be honest – The MykitPlace community is built on trust so be honest with your fellow members. If your kit has a few quirks or gremlins be up front about that on your description. Chances are if it doesn’t affect the usability of the equipment, someone else will be able to cope like you do, and it might fit the bill for what they need. If you’re honest about it then they know what they are dealing with and can make an informed decision. Likewise, when renting kit, if you’ve not used it before be honest about it. The owner can make an informed decision of their own and maybe they can show you how it works.
  3. Talk about the project – Let the owner know what your project is and how you are going to use their kit. They might have something else useful for you or can recommend the best way to use the kit in your circumstance.
  4. Be on time – you time is precious but so’s the other guys. No one likes a time waster and no one likes hanging around waiting. If you need to change arrangements get in touch with the other party. If you are running late or won’t be able to make the arranged pick-up or drop-off, get in touch as early as possible to make a new plan.
  5. Be professional – Treat your fellow members as if they were your clients. After all, they are your clients. Be courteous, polite, if there’s a problem or an accident deal with it in a measured way and agree on a course of action. Just as you do on set. Contact MyKitPlace to investigate and we’ll take it from there. Of course, that’s worst case scenario stuff. We think you’ll be just fine.

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